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Again, the exchange program project not only included the UFC Choir which travelled to other countries, but also the reception of foreign choirs in our land. Therefore, the group received in Fortaleza, from the period 01st-16th of August (16 days), a choir made up of 28 singers from the Federation of Franco-German Choirs in the towns of Aurillac, Bremen, Munich and Wurzburg, in order to perform concerts and performances in partnership with the UFC Choir, seeking not only to perform about European culture, but above all to the consolidate a process of the two nations for making music through choir singing. The purpose of the exchange program was to promote a meeting in which singers and musicians had a chance to learn, exchange knowledge and experience through recitals, discussions and presentations, share their  musical identity  in a process of awareness and dissemination of cultural elements that were incorporated in different ways to make music.





Welcomed by the UFC Choir, Coral Franco-German started its activities carrying out rehearsals together with the UFC Choir.


On Monday, day 04, the Coral Franco-German performed body language activities with Professor. Thatiane Paiva, body trainer of UFC Choir, as a way to improve the work of the group by combining body movements with singing.


On Wednesday, 06 Coral Franco-German made a presentation to the students of the  Music Course – from UFC in the auditorium of Casa José de Alencar. In the afternoon the group participated in a workshop on "collective percussion music" specially prepared for the visitor Choir by the Percussion Core of UFC.


On 07, the Coral Franco-German made an appearance on the free Afternoon Program of TV Diário, singing some pieces from its repertoire. In the evening, the group made a special presentation, opening the show "Folguedo" for the Choir Universidade Estadual do Ceará, in the theater SESC Emiliano Queiroz.


On 08, the group held its first recital, in São Raimundo Church, performing pieces of popular character, in French and German. Opening the recital, the UFC Choir presented songs from their repertoire of Brazilian popular music.


On Monday, the 11th, the Franco-German Coral visited the Music Band of the municipality of Pindoretama-CE. The groups performed a recital together in the City´s Igreja Matriz.


The next day, the Coral Franco-German held its second recital, singing for students and teachers in the UFC Interarte room.


The Coral Franco-German also paid a visit to Mandacaru Foundation in the neighborhood of Vicente Pinzón. The choir performed a didactic recital which was met with enthusiasm by the children of the institution. Then a video on the activities of Mandacaru Foundation was presented, which includes the participation of young Germans as volunteers on the project. After the video, members of the Coral paid a visit to the Morro do Sandras slum, to get to know the difficulties faced by the children in the community.


The Coral Franco-German also attended a meeting organized by UFC Choirs in Remedios Church, in the Benfica neighborhood.


On the last day of its stay in Fortaleza, the Coral Franco-German held a final concert, ending the exchange program, in the Theater of Dragao do Mar Art and Culture Center. On the night of the event, the group shared the stage with other Ceará choirs to sing parts of the European and Brazilian repertoire.




Av. da Universidade, 2210  | Fortaleza - Ceará - Brasil |

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