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In 2006, continuing the exchange project maintained by the Choir of UFC, the children's choir Cantemus of Hamburg came to Fortaleza, in the period 03-17 of March (15 days), to perform recitals and presentations seeking not only to present German culture, but above all establish and consolidate a process of making music through the choir between the two nations. There were several presentations in partnership with the UFC Choir and other choirs of Ceará, as well as lectures on choir activity for children and teenagers.


The recital prepared by the group had a tour on presentations about German popular music, and classical music, including songs by Johannes Brahms. Also as part of the recital Kinderchor Cantemus Christmas songs from around the world. In the program, acappela songs or accompanied by piano, also performed music of Johann Strauss and the American John Rutter, gospel music, songs of the Hamburg region and other German composers.





The children's choir Cantemus arrived in Fortaleza on 03 March (Friday), being greeted and welcomed by Ceara´s hosts.


On 05 March, the UFC Choir, Cordimariano Cantemus Choir performed a recital at the Church St. Vincent de Paul. The Ceará group opened the recital, followed by Cantemus Choir that impressed the audience with classical music (Let it shine and Verum Corpus Ave solo performed by a child of 13 years).


On Monday, day 06th, the group held a concert in the courtyard of Theatro José de Alencar.


Following the Program, Cantemus Choir visited on Tuesday, day 07, two social projects in Fortaleza. The program visit started with Raimundo Fagner Foundation where the Cantemus Choir made a didactic presentation for the children of the project, which then in return gave a demonstration of the artistic activities of the foundation: capoeira, percussion group, dance group and the great children's choir.


The second visit was to Marco Bruhin Foundation in Lagamar. The choir performed again a didactic recital that was followed by a presentation of the Children's Choir and the musical group of the institution. Then a video on the activities of the Bruhin Foundation, which is funded by donations coming from Germany was displayed. After the video, the children of Cantemus Choir paid a visit to Lagamar slum, to get to know the difficulties faced by the children in the community.


On Wednesday, day 08th, the Cantemus Choir took part in the Cultural Center of Banco do Nordeste, performing two recitals.


The activities of the Cantemus Choir on day 09th began with the participation of the group in the afternoon TV Journal Program. Then, the group held a recital in the gardens of the Rectory of the Federal University of Ceará. The recital also included the participation of Banda de Pífaros de Filhos de Trabalhadores de Vila Pagã e Estrada Nova (Aquiraz) and UFC Choir.


Another recital in partnership with the Children and Youth Cordimariano Choir and the UFC Choir happened on Saturday, the 11th, in the Church of Our Lady of Glory.


On Monday, the 13th, the Cantemus Choirvisited the Music Band of the project in the City Hall of Pindoretama-CE. Besides the exchange of experiences by visiting the music school, the groups performed together a recital in the Igreja Matriz of the City.


The schedule for Tuesday, the 14th, began with a lecture by Clemens Bergmann conductor for students and music teachers and arts, in the auditorium of the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Ceará. Those present heard and debated questions about choir conducting techniques, vocal technique and dynamic testing for children's choirs and children's media. There were also present at the lecture some members of Cantemus Choir that enriched the lectures through vocal melodic examples.


In the evening, the program closed with a recital in partnership with the Cordimariano Children and Youth Choirs and the UFC Choir in the Theater of Dragao do Mar Art and Culture Center. All proceeds of the event were aimed for two social institutions: Centro de Vida Irmã Consolata e Instituto Pestalozzi

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The last recital of the Cantemus Choir in Fortaleza, also in partnership with the Cordimariano Children and Youth Choirs and the UFC Choir took place at Irmã Lucila Porto Theater, the school of   N. S. das Graças. Due to the large number of audience, surpassing the theater capacity, a screen was installed in the school open courtyard.




Av. da Universidade, 2210  | Fortaleza - Ceará - Brasil |

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