The Project Exchange-Program Choir Brazil / Europe 2007 The Federal University Choir of Ceará, consisted of show presentations "Gonzaga", the recital "Os Três Tempos do Homem” (“The Three Stages of Man"), in partnership with European choir groups and lectures on Brazilian music and the choir activity in Brazil, from August 30 to September 30, 2007 (31 days), at universities, theaters, music schools and cultural centers in cities of Poland, Germany and France.
The visited cities and their European institutions and choir groups who received us and participated in the program were:
• Warsaw (Poland) - Choir Akademicki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (Choir of Warsaw University) and Warszawski Choir Miedzyuczelniany (Coral St. Anna Warsaw of Cantica Foundation)
• Sttetin (Poland) - Szczecińska Agencja Artystyczna (Artistic Agency of Sttetin) and Choir Akademicki Politechniki Szczecińskiej (Coral Academic University Sttetin Technique)
• Bremen (Germany) - Deutsch-Französische Choir Bremen (Coral Franco-German Bremen)
• Cologne (Germany) - Choir des Englisch-Brasilianischen Instituts - Coral Brazil Voices of the Portuguese Institute of the University of Cologne
• Neulingen (Germany) - Büttner Chöre (Büttner Reef of Places of Nussbaum and Bauschlott)
• Paris (France) - Institut national de la jeunesse et de l'éducation populaire (National Institute of Youth and Popular Education) and Chorale Franco-allemande d'Paris (Coral Franco-German Paris)
• Aurillac (France) - Chorale Franco-allemande d'Aurillac - Chorale MULTIPHONIE (Coral Franco-German Aurillac)
The Exchange Program Choir Brazil / Europe 2007 project began with the show's debut "Gonzaga" in the theater of Dragão do Mar Center of Art and Culture in Fortaleza. The first season of presentations were held in October 2006 and a second season in July and August 2007, before the trip.
During the first half of 2007, the group also prepared the recital "The Three Stages of a Man", which was presented at Theatro José de Alencar in August 2007. The recital also became part of the musical presentation prepared by the group to be performed during the exchange program.
The Choir of the Federal University of Ceará arrived in Warsaw, the first city visited on the afternoon of September 1st and it was received by the Warszawski Choir Międzyuczelniany (Coral St. Anna Warsaw - Cantica Foundation).
On September 2nd the UFC Choir participated in the Classical Music Summer Festival of the city, presenting the show "Gonzagas" in an open stage set up in Uniwersytet Warszawski (University of Warsaw).
On the third day in Warsaw, the choir performed in the auditorium of Liceum Ruy Barbosy (Liceu Polish-Brazilian Ruy Barbosa), at the opening ceremony of the classes for new students. In addition to the students and teachers, some authorities were part of the audience, like the Ambassador of Brazil in the Republic of Poland, Mr. Marcelo Jardim, and Brazilian military authorities.
On the same day, the Federal University Choir of Ceará presented the recital "The Three Stages of a Man" in partnership with the Coral St. Anna in Warsaw Poreczynski's Gallery (Art Collection of the Museum of John Paul II). On this day, the choir was assisted by Ms. Grazyna Misiorowska, translator of the works of Paulo Coelho in Poland.
On September 4, the UFC Choir gave a presentation at the opening of Festiwal Kultury Brazylijskieij (Festival of Brazilian Culture) in Pałac Kazimierzowski (Palace Kazimierzowski), for an audience which included the Brazilian Embassy authorities in Poland and again with the presence of the Ambassador, Mr. Marcelo Jardim.
In Sczcecin, the Federal University Choir of Ceará was cordially received by Mr. Mietek Podsiadło, representative of Szczecińska Agencja Artystyczna (Artistic Agency Sczcecin).
On the morning of September 6, there was a presentation at Zespół Szkol Muzycznych w Szczecinie (Zespół School Sczcecin Music)
In the evening, the group presented the show "Gonzagas" in the concert hall of the Zamek Książąt Pomorskich (the Pomeranian Duke's Castle). After the concert, the Choir of UFC was invited to a reception hosted by Choir Akademicki Politechniki Szczecińskiej (Choir of Sczcecin Polytechnic Academy).
In Bremen, the Choir of UFC was received again by the Deutsch-Französischer Choir Bremen (Coral Franco German Bremen) a group that was part of the exchange project in 2005. There was great expectation from both choirs, as they could have the opportunity to rediscover and restore the bonds of friendship built in 2005.
In its second day in Bremen, September 8, the UFC Choir made an advertisement campaign about the Show "Gonzagas" at the City Center, through pamphlets delivery and performance of some parts of its repertory.
On the 9th of September the Choir of UFC presented the recital "The three Stages of a Man" along with the Deutsch-Französischer Choir Bremen, Church Lieben Frauen.
The next day, the show "Gonzagas" was presented at the Waldau Theater.
In Cologne, the UFC Choir was able to catch up with Coral Brazil Voices of the Portuguese Institute of the University of Cologne composed of Brazilian and German singers, and chaired by Dr. Marta Campos Hein, who received the Ceará group after two years of the its first meeting. On the very first night in town, the two choirs had the opportunity to discuss and reflect on the creation and assembly of a scenic spectacle for choirs, in a lecture entitled: "The job of a scenic choir, from conception to realization", held in a room of the Universität zu Köln (University of Cologne). Attended the event: teachers, conductors and choristers.
The show "Gonzagas" was presented on September 14 in the auditorium of the University of Cologne. At the end of the show, the UFC Choir and the Choir Voices from Brazil performed some pieces together.
On September 16, the recital "The Three Stages of a Man" was presented at the Church St. Mechtern in partnership with the Coral Voices of Brazil.
In Neulingen, the Federal University Choir of Ceará was very well received with a welcome dinner at Coral Young Moments of Nussbaum village and families of the municipality of Neulingen communities who responded to a newspaper advertisement to host the members of the UFC Choir.
On the night of September 19, the Gräfin-Rhena-Halle in the village of Bauschlott, the Choir host preceded the presentation of the guest choir with its spectacle Die Kleine Kneipe ("the little watering hole"). Finally after the opening of the Coral Young Moments, the public eagerly received the show "Gonzagas". At the end of the presentation the two choirs sang some pieces together.
In addition to the show "Gonzagas", the UFC Choir performed from in Neulingen City Hall where it was warmly received by Mayor Michael Schmidt; in the House of the German ‘Red Cross’ and sang in the religious service of the St. Laurentius Church in the village of Rheinhausen, together with the choir of the parish of this town, which in 2005 hosted the UFC Choir.
Despite a long and tiring journey of 10 hours from Neulinguen, Germany, to Marly-le-Roi a town on the outskirts of Paris, the UFC Choir presented the show "Gonzagas" in the same day of its arrival (September 21) at Jean Guéhenno's Intitut National de la Jeunesse et de L'education Populaire (INJEP) where the group also stayed.
The next day, the group held a rehearsal in the afternoon, with the Coral Franco-German Paris and its leader Bernard Lallement. Later in the day, the group presented the recital "The Three Stages of a Man" in Madeleine Delbrêl Space, the Church Saint Dominique in Paris.
In Aurillac, the last place for the exchange program visit, the UFC Choir was received by Chorale MULTIPHONIE Aurillac (Coral Franco-German MULTIPHONIE of Aurillac. The group was hosted in homes of French singers in the town of Aurillac and other neighboring villages.
The final performances of the recital "The Three Stages of a Man" and "Gonzagas" Show were marked with great excitement by the choristers and the audience. The first was presented on November 26 in patnership with the host Choir at the Centre Culturel du Carladez, in Vic-sur-Cere and the second in the theater of Centre de Congres les Carmes Aurillac. With a packed house, the audience watched the show, including the city's mayor, Mr. Alain Calmette and its cultural attaché, Mr. Patrick Carpentier.
On the last day in Aurillac, the UFC Choir performed in front of the Hotel de Ville (Aurillac Prefecture), and after the presentation, the group was kindly received in the auditorium of the City Hall, with cultural attaché, Mr. Patrick Carpentier.
Again, the exchange program project not only included the UFC Choir travels, but also the reception and host of other foreign choirs in our land. Therefore, the group received in Fortaleza, in 2008, a choir made up of 28 singers from the Federation of Franco-German Choirs in the towns of Aurillac, Bremen, Munich and Würzburg, in order to perform concerts and presentations along with the Choir of the UFC, seeking not only the presentation of European culture, but above all to establish and consolidate among the two nations a process of collective music making, through choir singing.